Episode 4: A New Hope

Hey there conceptual/hypothetical fan.

It’s been a while. And yeah, a bit has happened since we last spoke. Maybe you’re now an actual, living, breathing fan. Stranger things have happened.

Anyhoo, how you doin?

So…We released our album Housework (to neither critical or commercial acclaim, but maybe some of the other types). But as BTO says ‘any acclaim is good acclaim’. So we took what we could get.

We played our first gig at the amazing Anita’s Theater. Was it a kick-ass gig the likes of which has never been seen? I have no idea as I was a rabbit in the headlights for most of it. But it felt good and it felt like we’d achieved something special. So, I’m leaning more towards yes than no.

Crabs of Despair remains unreleased

And the big one is after an epic journey (see EPS 1-3) we came to the end of the Matty/Racey creative partnership that took stunts to releasing a great album and playing an amazing gig. Narrator: sadly, the thesaurus Matty ordered in the 3rd post was on backorder.

So yeah, tough on everyone involved. But everything ends and we had tonnes of great times and lots to be proud of. This is not the place to get into any of that. Except to say thank you Racqel AKA Racey. You are extraordinary and those years were a gift to all of us.

Cue existential crisis. The only thing I could do was to keep writing. Was the strike rate of songs with potential to garbage down a bit? Yeah probably.

And after about 6 months we thought about jamming with a few people. ‘Might be worth hearing what new people can bring to the creative table’ we thought.

So we did. And met some amazing people (where is that thesaurus) along the way. But no one quite fit.

And then we met Lacey Stunts and Dolly Stunts via a musicians wanted website (Dolly calls it Tinder for musicians). And maybe, just maybe, we were off again.

Much love,


Doing our Housework (the ironing is delicious)